
A new three-term conjugate gradient-based projection method for solving large-scale nonlinear monotone equations

    Mompati Koorapetse Affiliation
    ; Professor Kaelo Affiliation


A new three-term conjugate gradient-based projection method is presented in this paper for solving large-scale nonlinear monotone equations. This method is derivative-free and it is suitable for solving large-scale nonlinear monotone equations due to its lower storage requirements. The method satisfies the sufficient descent condition , where  is a constant, and its global convergence is also established. Numerical results show that the method is efficient and promising.

Keyword : nonlinear monotone equations, derivative-free, global convergence

How to Cite
Koorapetse, M., & Kaelo, P. (2019). A new three-term conjugate gradient-based projection method for solving large-scale nonlinear monotone equations. Mathematical Modelling and Analysis, 24(4), 550-563.
Published in Issue
Oct 25, 2019
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