
Multi-objective green mixed vehicle routing problem under rough environment

    Joydeep Dutta Affiliation
    ; Partha Sarathi Barma Affiliation
    ; Anupam Mukherjee Affiliation
    ; Samarjit Kar Affiliation
    ; Tanmay De Affiliation
    ; Dragan Pamučar Affiliation
    ; Šarūnas Šukevičius Affiliation
    ; Giedrius Garbinčius Affiliation


This paper proposes a multi-objective Green Vehicle Routing Problem (G-VRP) considering two types of vehicles likely company-owned vehicle and third-party logistics in the imprecise environment. Focusing only on one objective, especially the distance in the VRP is not always right in the sustainability point of view. Here we present a bi-objective model for the G-VRP that can address the issue of the emission of GreenHouse Gases (GHGs). We also consider the demand as a rough variable. This paper uses the Non-Dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm II (NSGA-II) to solve the proposed model. Finally, it uses Multicriteria Optimization and Compromise Solution (abbreviation in Serbian – VIKOR) method to determine the best alternative from the Pareto front.

First published online 25 February 2021

Keyword : green VRP, multi-objective VRP, evolutionary methods, NSGA-II, VIKOR, sustainability

How to Cite
Dutta, J., Barma, P. S., Mukherjee, A., Kar, S., De, T., Pamučar, D., Šukevičius, Šarūnas, & Garbinčius, G. (2022). Multi-objective green mixed vehicle routing problem under rough environment. Transport, 37(1), 51–63.
Published in Issue
May 24, 2022
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