
The corporate sustainability typology: analysing sustainability drivers and fostering sustainability at enterprises

    Winston Jerónimo Silvestre Affiliation
    ; Paula Antunes Affiliation
    ; Walter Leal Filho Affiliation


Much has been written about the need for more humane, ethical, socially just and trans­parent ways of doing business and performing entrepreneurial activities. Consistent with this, con­cepts such as sustainable development, corporate citizenship, corporate sustainability (CS), sus­tainable entrepreneurship, business ethics, and corporate social responsibility (CSR), among many others, have emerged. This diversity of expressions raises the need to development a new typology for to CS. This paper addresses this gap and describes a framework typology for corporate sustain­ability, by analysing sustainability drivers and the interactivity factors in the context of sustainability. It also describes the various types of sustainable emphasis given by companies and their associated levels of CS, which may pave the way for a new framework typology.

First published online: 30 Nov 2016

Keyword : triple bottom line, sustainability strategy, corporate sustainability typology, corporate social responsibility, corporate governance, business sustainability

How to Cite
Jerónimo Silvestre, W., Antunes, P., & Leal Filho, W. (2018). The corporate sustainability typology: analysing sustainability drivers and fostering sustainability at enterprises. Technological and Economic Development of Economy, 24(2), 513–533.
Published in Issue
Mar 20, 2018
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