
Discovering what makes a SME website good for international trade

    Engin Akman Affiliation
    ; Metin Dagdeviren Affiliation


The effectiveness of websites has an impact on the representation of a SME and can have an effect on foreign trade. Thus, developing a reliable and robust model to assess the effectiveness of SME websites is important for researchers and practitioners. The aim of the study is to propose a SME website efficiency evaluation methodology from an international trade perspective. Determining the effectiveness of websites is a multi-dimensional decision-making problem which encompasses the assessment of information quality, system quality, and service quality. The criteria and sub-criteria affecting website effectiveness were determined through literature research and expert panel assistance. AHP method was utilized to determine the relative weights of the evaluation criteria in the study. Then, fuzzy linguistic variables were adopted to rank the websites of SMEs engaged in foreign trade. The proposed evaluation model identifies key factors regarding the criteria and sub-criteria of a website effectiveness. The model can provide a helpful reference in designing useful websites which are an important task for SMEs involved in international trade.

Keyword : SME websites, international trade, website evaluation, multi-criteria decision-making, analysis, fuzzy linguistic scale, AHP

How to Cite
Akman, E., & Dagdeviren, M. (2018). Discovering what makes a SME website good for international trade. Technological and Economic Development of Economy, 24(3), 1063-1079.
Published in Issue
May 23, 2018
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