
Mathematical modelling and experimental study of straw co-firing with gas

    Inesa Barmina Affiliation
    ; Harijs Kalis Affiliation
    ; Antons Kolmickovs Affiliation
    ; Maksims Marinaki Affiliation
    ; Liiva Ozola Affiliation
    ; Uldis Strautins Affiliation
    ; Raimonds Valdmanis Affiliation
    ; Maija Zake Affiliation


The main goal of the present study is to promote a more effective use of agriculture residues (straw) as an alternative renewable fuel for cleaner energy production with reduced greenhouse gas emissions. With the aim to improve the main combustion characteristics at thermo-chemical conversion of wheat straw, complex experimental study and mathematical modelling of the processes developing when co-firing wheat straw pellets with a gaseous fuel were carried out. The effect of co-firing on the main gasification and combustion characteristics was studied experimentally by varying the propane supply and additional heat input into the pilot device, along with the estimation of the effect of co-firing on the thermal decomposition of wheat straw pellets, on the formation, ignition and combustion of volatiles .

A mathematical model has been developed using the environment of the Matlab (2D modelling) and MATLAB package ”pdepe”(1D modelling) considering the variations in supplying heat energy and combustible volatiles  into the bottom of the combustor. Dominant exothermal chemical reactions were used to evaluate the effect of co-firing on the main combustion characteristics and composition of the productsand. The results prove that the additional heat from the propane flame makes it possible to control the thermal decomposition of straw pellets, the formation, ignition and combustion of volatiles and the development of combustion dynamics, thus completing the combustion of biomass and leading to cleaner heat energy production.

Keyword : reaction-diffusion equations, axisymmetric swirling flow, PDE system, Arrhenius kinetics

How to Cite
Barmina, I., Kalis, H., Kolmickovs, A., Marinaki, M., Ozola, L., Strautins, U., Valdmanis, R., & Zake, M. (2019). Mathematical modelling and experimental study of straw co-firing with gas. Mathematical Modelling and Analysis, 24(4), 507-529.
Published in Issue
Oct 25, 2019
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