
The analysis of the influence of sustainalbity criteria on the evaluation of building renovation


The criterion for general sustainability is formed on the basis of a concept of sustainable development regarding the evaluation of energy efficiency measures for building refurbishment. The criterion for general sustainability consists of five criteria: energy efficiency, environmental impact, economical rationality, comfort and life cycle duration. Multi-criteria analysis has been performed normalizing the values of the criteria applying the SAW (Simple Additive Weighting) method. The analysis of the influence of separate criteria forming the criterion for general sustainability has been performed presenting five scenarios in each of which four criteria have formed general sustainability criteria. The results of the conducted analysis have showed that all five criteria set in the basic scenario are equally important when targeted at evaluating energy efficiency measures in a versatile and objective manner.

Article in Lithuanian.

Pastatų atnaujinimo darnaus vertinimo kriterijų įtakos analizė


Remiantis darnaus vystymosi koncepcija sudarytas bendrasis darnumo kriterijus pastatų atnaujinimo priemonėms vertinti. Bendrąjį darnumo kriterijų sudaro penki kriterijai: energinis efektyvumas, poveikis aplinkai, ekonominis racionalumas, komfortas ir gyvavimo ciklo trukmė. Daugiakriterė analizė atlikta kriterijų reikšmes normalizuojant SAW (angl. Simple Additive Weighting) metodu. Atskirų kriterijų, sudarančių bendrąjį darnumo kriterijų, įtakos analizė atlikta penkiais scenarijais, kurių kiekviename BDK sudarė tik keturi kriterijai. Atlikta analizė parodė, kad visi penki bazinio varianto kriterijai yra vienodai svarbūs norint priemones įvertinti visapusiškai ir objektyviai.

Reikšminiai žodžiai: pastatas, atnaujinimas, darnumo kriterijus, gyvavimo ciklo analizė, daugiakriterė analizė, sprendimų priėmimas.

Keyword : building, refurbishment, criteria of sustainability, life cycle assessment, multi-criteria analysis, decision making

How to Cite
Mikučionienė, R., Rogoža, A., & Martinaitis, V. (2014). The analysis of the influence of sustainalbity criteria on the evaluation of building renovation. Mokslas – Lietuvos Ateitis / Science – Future of Lithuania, 6(4), 421-426.
Published in Issue
Oct 24, 2014
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