
Collapse warning system using LSTM neural networks for construction disaster prevention in extreme wind weather

    Chih-Chiang Wei   Affiliation


Strong wind during extreme weather conditions (e.g., strong winds during typhoons) is one of the natural factors that cause the collapse of frame-type scaffolds used in façade work. This study developed an alert system for use in determining whether the scaffold structure could withstand the stress of the wind force. Conceptually, the scaffolds collapsed by the warning system developed in the study contains three modules. The first module involves the establishment of wind velocity prediction models. This study employed various deep learning and machine learning techniques, namely deep neural networks, long short-term memory neural networks, support vector regressions, random forest, and k-nearest neighbors. Then, the second module contains the analysis of wind force on the scaffolds. The third module involves the development of the scaffold collapse evaluation approach. The study area was Taichung City, Taiwan. This study collected meteorological data from the ground stations from 2012 to 2019. Results revealed that the system successfully predicted the possible collapse time for scaffolds within 1 to 6 h, and effectively issued a warning time. Overall, the warning system can provide practical warning information related to the destruction of scaffolds to construction teams in need of the information to reduce the damage risk.

Keyword : wind forecasting, machine learning, construction engineering, collapse warning, extreme weather

How to Cite
Wei, C.-C. (2021). Collapse warning system using LSTM neural networks for construction disaster prevention in extreme wind weather. Journal of Civil Engineering and Management, 27(4), 230-245.
Published in Issue
Apr 20, 2021
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