
Property management enabled by artificial intelligence post Covid-19: an exploratory review and future propositions

    Farheen Naz   Affiliation
    ; Anil Kumar   Affiliation
    ; Arvind Upadhyay   Affiliation
    ; Hemakshi Chokshi   Affiliation
    ; Vaidotas Trinkūnas   Affiliation
    ; Robert Magda   Affiliation


The Covid-19 pandemic outbreak across the globe has disrupted human life and industry. The pandemic has affected every sector, with the real estate sector facing particular challenges. During the pandemic, property management became a crucial task and property managers were challenged to control risks and disruptions faced by their organizations. Recent innovative technologies, including artificial intelligence (AI), have supported many sectors through sudden disruptions; this study was performed to examine the role of AI in the real estate and property management (PM) sectors. For this purpose, a systematic literature review was conducted using structural topic modeling and bibliometric analysis. Using appropriate keywords, the researchers found 175 articles on AI and PM research from 1980 to 2021 in the SCOPUS database. A bibliometric analysis was performed to identify research trends. Structural topic modelling (STM) identified ten emerging thematic topics in AI and PM. A comprehensive framework is proposed, and future research directions discussed.

Keyword : property management, artificial intelligence, real estate management, structural topic modeling, residential management, text mining

How to Cite
Naz, F., Kumar, A., Upadhyay, A., Chokshi, H., Trinkūnas, V., & Magda, R. (2022). Property management enabled by artificial intelligence post Covid-19: an exploratory review and future propositions. International Journal of Strategic Property Management, 26(2), 156-171.
Published in Issue
May 10, 2022
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