Influence of Noise Equivalent Beta Naught estimation on backscattering image classification of TerraSAR-X
Noise Equivalent Beta Naught is the different noise influence that beneficence to the radar signal. This type of noise is available in TerraSAR-X satellite images and expressed in forms of scaled polynomial described the noise power. On the other hand, Sigma naught or backscattering coefficient represents the average reflectivity of a horizontal material samples which used to reflect the nature of the land use and land cover in radar images. In this paper, radar satellite images in dual VV and HH polarization were used to study the influence of the noise on backscattering image classification. The result demonstrated that the visual interpretation of sigma naught which is result from the comparison between existence case and absence case (in the other word: with and without noise) of the noise illustrated that there is no different between them. In the other hand, for more details and more precise, an example of small images are used to show the values of obtained backscattering. The result demonstrated that the NEBN plays the main roles in decreasing the values of backscattering coefficient in TSX image. The influence of this noise had usually high in water body surface, because this surface is generally having small backscattering coefficients compared with land cover.
Keyword : Noise Equivalent Beta Naught, TerraSAR-X, Strip map image, dual polarization

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