
Analytical calculation approach for rocket nose cone structure with orthotropic material

    Arief Budi Sanjaya Affiliation
    ; Haryadi Abrizal Affiliation
    ; Muhammad Dito Saputra Affiliation
    ; Rahmat Alfi Duhri Affiliation
    ; Muhamad Hananuputra Setianto Affiliation
    ; Ahmedi Asraf Affiliation
    ; Hendra Gantina Affiliation


The Authors of this research developed an analytical calculation method to estimate the strength of nose cone structures made of orthotropic materials, which were crucial components in aircraft and spacecraft. Strength analysis of nose cones had been comprehensively addressed for isotropic materials; however, the lack of efficient approaches for orthotropic materials presented a challenge. In this research, a new analytical method was proposed, combining membrane stress theory for isotropic materials with classical laminate theory for orthotropic materials. This approach enabled the determination of stresses on the nose cone shell structure in both meridional and circumferential directions in an efficient and straightforward manner. The analysis results indicated that the developed analytical method exhibited stress distribution trends similar to those obtained using the Finite Element Method. Stresses in the +45° and –45° direction, as well as in-plane shear stress and Tsai-Wu failure indices, showed trend similarity between the two methods. Despite specific numerical differences in the calculation results, these consistent trends suggested that the analytical method could serve as a tool for the preliminary design of a nose cone structure with a similar configuration analyzed in this study.

Keyword : nose cone, analytical method, isotropic, orthotropic, membrane stress theory, classical laminate theory

How to Cite
Sanjaya, A. B., Abrizal, H., Saputra, M. D., Duhri, R. A., Setianto, M. H., Asraf, A., & Gantina, H. (2024). Analytical calculation approach for rocket nose cone structure with orthotropic material. Aviation, 28(3), 163–174.
Published in Issue
Oct 11, 2024
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