Experimental study of physical-chemical properties of advanced alcohol-to-jet fuels
The paper presents an analytical review of technological processes of alternative jet fuel production from alcohols and experimental results on the study of its physical-chemical properties. State-of-the-art in the sphere of civil aviation development within the framework of sustainable development and minimization of transport’s negative impact on the environment is presented. The development and implementation of sustainable aviation fuels are considered the main measure for reaching carbon-neutral growth. Two technologies of alcohol-to-jet fuel production are considered, and possible feedstock and processing pathways are presented. Physical-chemical properties of two kinds of alcohol-to-jet fuels are studied experimentally, as well as the properties of conventional jet fuels blended with alternative ones. It is shown that the physical-chemical properties of jet fuels blended with alcohol-to-jet component containing aromatics are very close to conventional jet fuels. All of the studied fuel blends with alcohol-to-jet components completely satisfy the requirements of specifications. Basing on the received results it is expected that alcohol-to-jet component containing aromatics may be successfully used for blending with conventional jet fuel and used as a drop-in fuel.
Keyword : jet fuel, sustainable aviation fuel, alcohol-to-jet, synthesized paraffinic kerosene, synthesized kerosene with aromatics, technological process, physical-chemical properties

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